Happy 2010

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Happy New Year!

Your LOGB gals wish you all a joyful, chic, and of course sustainable new year!

Check back soon for information regarding the launch of LOGB by Left Over Green Beans and LOGB accessories!



Happy Holidays!

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Over here at LOGB we are very into the holidays . . .

Today we want to share a few of our go green holiday tips with you, because as much as we love the spirit, we can’t help but feel as though we all may be wasting a little bit too much this time of year.

- Try wrapping you presents with left over scraps of fabric (gluing on buttons can look fab too!)

- Head outside and collect a few wintery sprigs to top your gifts

- Fill some old glass bottles (wine, soda, milk, jam) with branches and flowers from your garden. Tie pieces of fabric around them to give an even warmer and rustic feel.

- Head to your favorite vintage store, pick up some jewelry, and tada new ornaments or decorations for your table!

Enjoy your holidays!!


Your LOGB gals